Imam al-Baqir said: “The Messenger of Allah would hug [Imam] Hussain whenever he came to him. Then he would tell the Commander of the Faithful [Imam Ali] to take care of him, after which he would kiss him and weep. [Hussain] asked, ‘Father, why are you crying?’ ‘My son, I am kissing parts of your body which will be struck with swords,’ [the Prophet] replied. ‘Father, will I be killed?’ [Hussain] asked. ‘Yes, by Allah; you, your father, and your brother [Imam Hasan] will all be slain,’ [the Prophet] replied. ‘Will our tombs be far from each other?’ Hussain asked. ‘Yes, my son,’ [the Prophet] replied. ‘So who from your umma (nation) will come for our pilgrimage?’ Hussain asked. ‘None but the truthful ones from my umma will come to my pilgrimage, and the pilgrimage of your father, your brother, and you,’ [the Prophet] replied.

حدثني الحسن بن عبد الله بن محمد بن عيسي عن ابيه عن الحسن بن محبوب عن علي بن شجرة عن سلام الجعفي عن عبد الله بن محمد الصنعاني عن ابي جعفر ع قال كان رسول الله ص اذا دخل الحسين ع جذبه اليه ثم يقول لامير المؤمنين ع امسكه ثم يقع عليه فيقبله و يبكي يقول يا ابت لم تبكي فيقول يا بني اقبل موضع السيوف منك قال يا ابت و اقتل قال اي و الله و ابوك و اخوك و انت قال يا ابت فمصارعنا شتي قال نعم يا بني قال فمن يزورنا من امتك قال لا يزورني و يزور اباك و اخاك و انت الا الصديقون من امتي


Kamil al-Ziyarat, ch. 22, hadith 4.